姓名: 林姵君
職稱: 國立台灣科技大學工程技術研究所科學教育與數位學習組博士生
學歷: University of Reading, UK. MSc International Management(2000.10~2001.10)
聯絡方式: rachel@mail.femh.org.tw
研究興趣: 全人醫學教育、成果導向教育、模擬醫學訓練
1. Chen Y, Lin P.-C., Wu J.-M., Lin T.-Y., Wu C.-C., Chiu K.-M., Chu S.-H. (2007, May). Tetrandrine attenuated reperfusion injury of isolated small intestinal transplantation in a porcine model. Poster presentation at American Society of Transplantation (AST) 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA.  
2. Chen Y., Lin P.-C., Chu C.-H. (2007, August). The experience of laparoscopic simulation by surgical residents. Poster presentation at Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2007, Trondheim, Norway.
3. Lin, P.-C., Chen, Y., Chu S.-H. (2007, August). The successful establishment of the faculty development program- From a regional teaching hospital to medical center. Poster presentation at Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2007, Trondheim, Norway.
4. Lin, P.-C., Chen, Y., Chu S.-H. (2008, March). A Survey of Trainees’ Demand in Ambulatory Care Education. Poster presentation at 13th Ottawa International Conference on Clinical Competence (Ozzawa), Melbourne, Australia.
5. Chen Y., Lin P.-C., Tseng S.-H. (2009, May). Effects of tetrandrine plus radiation on the neuroblastoma cells. Poster presentation at 42nd Annual Meeting of Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons (PAPS), Hong Kong.
6. Lin, P.-C., Chen, Y., Chu S.-H. (2009, August).  Trainees’ satisfactions and perceptions about faculty development for the teaching clinics in ambulatory care. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2009, Malaga, Spain.
7. Lin, P.-C., Chen, Y., Chu S.-H. (2010, September).  Enhancing self-confidence in providing structured laparoscopic simulation training for medical undergraduates. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2010, Glasgow, UK. (Submitted)
8. Chen, Y., Lin, P.-C., Chu S.-H. (2010, September). The application of objective structured assessment for the essential skills of junior surgical residency. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2010, Glasgow, UK. (Submitted)
1. The Feasibility Analysis of Mergers and Acquisitions between Taiwanese Commercial Banks from the Viewpoint of Universal Banking: the Case of the First Commercial Bank, Dah-An Commercial Bank and Pan-Asia Commercial Bank. (Master Dissertation)
1. Lin P.-C., Chen Y., Chu S.-H. (2007). A Survey of Trainees’ Demand in Ambulatory Care Education. J Med Education 2007;11(2):139-149
2. Lin P.-C., Chen Y, Jeng K.-S., Chu S.-H. (2009). The Establishment of bio-psycho-social Communication Skills through Ambulatory Care Teaching Clinics. J Med Education 2009; 13(2): 73-83
3. Lin P.-C., Jean W.-H., Chen C.-L., Chen Y., Jeng K.-S., Chu S.-H. (2009) The Application of Patient-focused Simulation to Teach Surgical Suturing Skills in Bio-psycho-social Medicine. J Med Education 2009; 13(3): 183-190
1. 林姵君,鄭世隆,陳芸,鄭國祥,朱樹勳 (2009),以實證醫學查證競賽提升實證醫學的臨床照護應用與教學成效。論文發表於台灣醫學教育學會98年度會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院主辦。
1. 教學門診輔助建立BPS(Bio-Psycho-Social)之醫病溝通技巧能力 (FEMH -97- HHC- 009)
1. 醫院引進顧客關係管理之探討 (FEMH-94-A-005)
2. 運用「模擬腹腔鏡訓練」建構全人照護腹腔鏡手術技巧 (FEMH-98-HHC-001)