The Third International Conference for
“Personal Epistemology and Learning in the Digital Age”
Abstract of Invited Speech
Promoting Epistemic and Conceptual Change through Knowledge Building
Carol Chan
The University of Hong Kong, China
Pivotal to learning and development is the role of epistemic beliefs and epistemic cognition -- Promoting students’ epistemic development takes on more significance in light of knowledge explosion, technology change and demands for creative knowledge work in the knowledge era. Increasing research interests have now been given to interventions for epistemic change in classrooms, and designing technology-enhanced learning environments for epistemic change and knowledge creation merits further investigation. In this talk, I will discuss theory, design and evidence of the Knowledge-Building (KB) model (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006; 2014) supported by Knowledge Forum®, for epistemic change, drawing from design-based studies with elementary-school students working on Knowledge Forum pursuing scientific inquiry. First, I will present the theoretical underpinning of KB, an epistemological theory, that posits how knowledge can be advanced through progressive and scientific dialogue – I will argue why the KB model supports epistemic change premised on the theory-building perspective. Second, pedagogy and design principles of KB focusing on collective idea improvement, enriched with meta-discourse, and linking novice with expert epistemology in a KB community will be examined. Third, how students engage in the meta-discourse processes supported by KF resulting in epistemic and conceptual growth will be examined. Theory, pedagogy and technology are integral in the KB approach – theoretical and design implications of KB for promoting students’ epistemic and conceptual development will be discussed.
Invited Speaker
Prof. Carol Chan (The University of Hong Kong, China)