Name: Chen, Chih-Ming
Position: Instructor, Department of Cultural Creativity and Digital Media Design, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Doctoral student, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Degrees: Master, Department of Information Communication, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan (2000.9~2002.6)
Interest of research: Game-Based Learning
Academic Services
1. 龍華科技大學文創系專任講師(2014~迄今)
2. 龍華科技大學遊戲系專任講師兼副主任(2013~2014)
3. 高鳳數位內容學院影音系專任講師(2011~2013)
4. ASURE. Crop. Gaming PR Section Manager(2007~2011)
5. HAMASTAR Technology Co., Ltd. Project Manager(2006~2007)
6. 長榮大學媒體系兼任講師(2003~2006)
7. 元智大學資傳系兼任講師(2002~2003)
Research Awards
1. 時報金犢獎電視廣告項及微電影項 評審
2. 衛生局無菸校園創意短片徵選活動 評審
3. TKC影像獎設計比賽影像類及平面攝影類 評審