Name: Hsin, Ching-Ting
Position: Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, National Tsing Hua University
Degrees: Ph.D., Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Master of Art, Educational Studies-Early Childhood Education Program, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
Interest of research: Sociocultural approaches to literacies: Multiple literacies and digital literacies; Multicultural education and immigrant families; Qualitative research methods and data analysis software; Early STEM education
English Journal Papers
1. Hsin, C.-T.*, Liang, J.-C., Hsu, C.-Y., Shih, M., Sheu, F.-R., & Tsai, C.-C. (2018). Young children’s conceptions of learning: A cross-sectional study of the early years of schooling. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Advanced online publication. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1007/s40299-018-0419-9
2. Hsin, C.-T. (2017). Young children’s learning of literacies in transnational and sociocultural contexts in families with immigrant mothers in Taiwan. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42(1), 33-40 (SSCI) DOI: 10.23965/AJEC.42.1.04
3. Hsin, C.-T.* & Price, G. G. (2017). A mixed-methods approach: Subcommunities of similar thinkers about literacy learning among teachers and parents of immigrant families, Sage Research Methods Cases. London, UK: Sage. DOI: 10.4135/9781473979659
4. Hsin, C.-T.*, Cheng, Y.-H., & Tsai, C.-C. (2016). Searching and sourcing online academic literature: Comparisons of doctoral students and junior faculty in education. Online Information Review, 40(7), 979-997. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1108/OIR-11-2015-0354
5. Tang, K.-Y., Li, M.-C., Hsin, C.-T., & Tsai, C.-C*. (2016). A co-citation network of young children’s learning with technology. Educational Technology and Society, 19(3), 294-305. (SSCI)
6. Hsin, C.-T., Li, M.-C.* & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). The influence of young children’s use of technology on their learning: A review. Educational Technology and Society, 17(4), 85–99.(SSCI)
7. Hsin, C.-T. (2011). Active agents: The new-immigrant mothers' figured worlds of home literacy practices for young children in Taiwan. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(1), 17-34. (SSCI journal)
8. Hsin, C.-T. & Wu, H.-K. (2011). Using scaffolding strategies to promote young children’s scientific understandings of floating and sinking. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(5), 656-666. (SSCI journal)
9. Carter, E. W., Swedeen, B., Walter, M. J., Moss, C. K., & Hsin, C.-T. (2011). Perspectives of young adults with disabilities on leadership. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 34(1), 57-67.
English Conference Papers
1. Hsin, C.-T. (2019). Young indigenous children’s performances on a funds of knowledge integrated phonological curriculum in Taiwan. Paper will be presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 3-6, Hamburg, Germany.
2. Hsin, C.-T. & Yu, C. (2019). The performances and retention effects of young indigenous children participating in a culturally relevant literacy curriculum in Taiwan. Paper will be presented at the 20th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) International Conference, July 12-14, Taipei, Taiwan.
3. Chen, Y.-S. & Hsin, C.-T. (2019). The use of balanced teaching approach in a literacy curriculum to enhance kindergarteners’ reading-related abilities. Paper will be presented at the 20th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) International Conference, July 12-14, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. Hsin, C.-T. (2018). Children’s performances on phonological processing skills and teachers’ teaching strategies of a bicultural phonics curriculum. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 4-7, Bolzano, Italy.
5. Hsin, C.-T. (2017). Rethinking indigenous young children’s cultural resources for literacy learning from the perspectives of multiple literacies and funds of knowledge. Paper presented at the 18th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) International Conference, July 7-9, Cebu, Philippines.
6. Liu, J.-Y., Shy, G.-L., Chiu, J.-K. & Hsin, C.-T. (2016). The development of underwater cultural heritage studies in Taiwan: Past, present and future plan. Paper presented at the Sixth International Congress on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA6), November 28-December 2, Fremantle, Australia.
7. Hsin, C.-T. (2016). Promoting indigenous children’s development of literacy: Examining the effects of a bicultural skill-based intervention programme. Paper presented at the European Early Childhood Educational Research Association (EECERA) 26th Conference, August 31-September 3, Dublin, Ireland.
8. Hsin, C.-T. (2015). The development of literacy and identity among Taiwanese indigenous young children: A comparison between the children in the tribe and city. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 7-11, Budapest, Hungary.
9. Hsin, C.-T. & Price, G. G. (2014). Subcommunities of similar thinkers about literacy learning among immigrant mothers, their husbands, and kindergarten teachers. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 3-7, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
10. Hsin, C.-T. & Tsai, C.-C. (2013). Acquiring cultural and social capital: Science education researchers’ online literature searching. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 13th Bi-annual Conference, September 2-7, Nicosia, Cyprus.
11. Hsin, C.-T. & Tsai, C.-C. (2013). Researchers' online academic literature searching strategies: Comparisons among doctoral students, Ph.D. candidates, and young scholars. Paper presented at the AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research (AECT-ICFER), June 18-20, Taichung City, Taiwan.
12. Hsin, C.-T. (2012). Increasing mutual understanding: immigrant families' and kindergartens' cultural worlds of literacy learning in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) 13th Annual Conference, July 20-22, Singapore.
13. 2.4. Hsin, C.-T. & Pek Y. (2011). Moving between worlds: A multisite study of immigrant mothers’ creation of hybrid home literacy practices. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, November 30-December 3, Jacksonville, FL, USA.
14. Hsin, C.-T. (2011). Rethinking the intersection between kindergarten curricula and literacy practices of immigrant families in urban Taiwanese schools. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, September 13-16, Berlin, Germany.
15. Hsin, C.-T. (2010). Funds of knowledge relative to young children’s literacy learning in new immigrant families in Taiwan. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 30-May 4, Denver, CO, USA.
16. Hsin, C.-T. (2009). Rethinking the literacy curriculum for children of immigrant families: Sociocultural and critical theories and practices. Paper presented at the 8th Annual American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, April 10-13, San Diego, CA, USA.
17. Hsin, C.-T. (2008). Active agents: The immigrant mothers’ construction of family literacy for young children in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 16th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference: Practice, Research, Theory, Policy, June 3-6, Victoria, Canada.
18. Hsin, C.-T. & Wu, H.-K. (2005). Scaffolding preschoolers’ scientific learning of floating and sinking. Paper presented at the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association Sixth Conference, July 15-18, Taipei, Taiwan.
English Book and Book Chapters
1. Hsin, C.-T. & Price, G. G. (accept). A mixed-methods approach: Subcommunities of similar thinkers about literacy learning among teachers and parents of immigrant families, Sage Research Methods Case.
2. Hsin, C.-T. (2012). Cultural Worlds of Children’s Literacy Learning in Taiwan: Vietnamese-immigrant Mothers’, Their Husbands’, and Teachers’. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Chinese Journal Papers
1. 辛靜婷(2016)。原住民族幼兒雙文化聲韻介入課程之成效與教學歷程。課程與教學季刊,19(4),191-228。(TSSCI)
Chinese Conference Papers
1. 辛靜婷、陳筱涵、游智瑩(民107年11月)。探究融入泰雅文化聲韻課程之學習成效:幼兒聲韻處理能力之發展。2018第九屆教育創新國際學術研討會。國立清華大學竹師教育學院。
2. 張曉婷、辛靜婷(民106年5月)。融入越南文化之主題課程行動研究:教學歷程與幼兒族群關係發展之探討。2017「兒家方程式」學術研討會。輔仁大學兒童與家庭學系。
3. 劉曉帆、辛靜婷(民105年10月)。從失語到說唱:家庭知識基金融入拉阿魯哇族族語教學之行動研究。2016原住民族委員會原住民族研究論文發表會。國立嘉義大學。
4. 陳燕靜、辛靜婷(2015)。學前普師與特師合作模式之初探。2015發展遲緩兒童早期療育國際專業知能、服務方案及研究成果發表會。中華民國發展遲緩兒童早期療育協會。
5. 辛靜婷與吳心楷(2005)。鷹架幼兒科學學習:以幼兒學習物體浮沈概念為例。2005幼兒教育專業、品質與卓越學術研討會。國立政治大學。
Chinese Book and Book Chapters
1. 吳心楷、辛靜婷 (2011)。數位學習研究中質性資料的管理與分析:以 NVivo 軟體的使用為例。載於宋曜廷(主編),數位學習研究方法(頁 163-208)。台北市:高等教育出版社。
1. 科技部專題研究計畫(優秀年輕學者研究計畫),計畫主持人,計畫名稱:原住民族幼兒STEM方案:教師教學策略、態度與信念、幼兒學習成效、認同發展之探討,補助文號:108-2628-H-007-001-MY3 (108.8-111.7)
2. 科技部專題研究計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:職前與在職教師雙文化課程教學模式及原住民族幼兒學習成效探究,補助文號:106-2410-H-007-054-MY2 (106.8-108.7)
3. 科技部專題研究計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:再思原住民幼兒文化資源與讀寫學習:多元讀寫素養、知識基金、和族群認同的觀點,補助文號:104-2410-H-143-013 (104.8-)
4. 科技部專題研究計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:部落及都市原住民幼兒的讀寫素養與雙文化認同發展,補助文號:103-2410-H-143-001 (103.6-104.10)
5. 教育部國民及學前教育署委託計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:107學年度教育部國民及學前教育署補助辦理社區(部落)互助教保服務中心輔導計畫,中心名稱:新竹縣司馬庫斯部落互助教保服務中心 (107.8.1-108.7.31)
6. 教育部新南向計畫學術領域研究合作案,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:Haus der Kleinen Forscher (Little Scientists’ House) Program小科學家之家課程南向交流計畫 (107.1.29-107.12.31)
7. 教育部國民及學前教育署委託計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:106學年度教育部國民及學前教育署補助辦理社區(部落)互助教保服務中心輔導計畫,中心名稱:新竹縣司馬庫斯部落互助教保服務中心 (106.8.1-107.7.31)
8. 教育部國民及學前教育署委託計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:推動偏鄉地區幼小銜接試辦計畫:融入原住民文化之幼兒聲韻覺識課程第二期 (106.3.1-108.2.28)
9. 教育部國民及學前教育署委託計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:推動偏鄉地區幼小銜接試辦計畫:融入原住民文化之幼兒聲韻覺識課程 (105.2.1-106.2.28)
10. 台東縣社會處委託計畫,計畫主持人,計畫名稱:達魯瑪克部落課後增能課程:強化學業與族群認同之雙螺旋計畫 (104.3-104.6)
1. 科技部特約研究計畫,共同主持人,計畫名稱:幼兒科學教育課程:促進幼兒探究能力及提昇幼兒教師科學教學自我效能和教學內容知識,補助文號:107-2511-H-003-012-MY3 (107.8-110.7)
2. 國家通訊委員會委託台灣媒體觀察教育基金會「適齡兒童電視節目標章評選」計畫
Academic Services
1. 期刊審查:Computers and Education, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, ,台東大學教育學報, 教育科學研究期刊, 課程與教學季刊, 圖書資訊學研究, 台灣教育社會學研究, 數位學習科技期刊, 資訊社會研究
Research Awards
1. 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫補助(108.8-111.7)
2. 國立清華大學延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵(108.8-109.7, 107.8-108.7, 106.8-107.7)
3. 3國立清華大學優良導師(106.8)
4. 入圍 2013 美國教育研究學會 (AERA) 「家庭學校社區合作」興趣團體 (FSCP SIG) 優秀論文獎 (2012.11)
5. Academic Achievement Award, International Student Services, UW-Madison, USA (2011.12)
6. 時報文化基金會時報青年學者獎 (2011.10)
7. 教育部留學獎學金 (2007.8-2009.8)
8. P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship, Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.), Iowa, USA (2007.9-2008.8)
9. Marguerite Wilker Johnson Fellowship, UM-Ann Arbor, USA (2001-2002)