Name: Lin, Chia-Ching
Position: Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Science Education & Environmental Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Degrees: PhD, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Master of Education, Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University
Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University
Interest of research: Digital content curation, Scientific epistemology and science learning, Information and technology-enhanced learning, Online information-based inquiry
English Journal Papers
1. Chao, P.-Y., Lin, C.-C., & Wu, M.-S. (2017). Employing a visualized searching system to assist elementary students’ tactics and success of storybook searching. Online Information Review, 41(3), 412-427. (SSCI journal)
2. Chao, P.-Y., & Lin, C.-C. (2015). Young children’ storybook searching with a visualized search interface. The Electronic Library, 33(4) , 610-624. (SSCI journal)
3. Liu, C.-C., Lin, C.-C.*, Deng, G.-Y., & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). Online knowledge sharing experience with Creative Commons. Online Information Review, 38(5), 680-696. (SSCI journal) (*corresponding author)
4. Liu, C.-C., Lin, C.-C.*, Chang C.-Y. & P.-Y., Chao. (2014). Knowledge sharing among university students facilitated with a Creative Commons licensing mechanism: A case study in a programming course. Educational Technology & Society, 17(3), 154-167. (SSCI journal) (*corresponding author)
5. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2012). Participatory learning through behavioral and cognitive engagements in an online collective information searching activity. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(4), 543-566. (SSCI journal)
6. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2011). Applying social bookmarking to collective information searching (CIS): An analysis of behavioral pattern and peer interaction for co-exploring quality online resources. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 1249-1257. (SSCI journal)
7. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2009). The relationship between students’ conceptions of learning engineering and their preferences for classroom and laboratory learning environments. Journal of Engineering Education, 98, 193-204. (SSCI, SCI, IEEE journal)
8. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2008). Exploring the structural relationships between high school students’ scientific epistemological views and their utilization of information commitments toward online science information. International Journal of Science Education, 30, 2001-2022. (SSCI journal)
9. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2007). A 'Navigation Flow Map' Method of Representing Students' Searching Behaviors and Strategies on the Web, with relations to Searching Outcomes. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 10, 689-695. (SSCI journal)
10. Tsai, C.-C., & Lin, C.-C. (2004). Taiwanese adolescents' perceptions and attitudes regarding the Internet: Exploring gender differences. Adolescence, 39, 725-734. (SSCI journal)
English Conference Papers
1. Lin, C.-C., & Wu, Y.-T.* (2018). The effectiveness of integrating adaptive learning platform with flipped classroom in students’ learning performance and self-learning approach. Manuscript accepted for presentation at the Workshop on TeSTEM of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2018), Metro Manila, Philippines.
2. Lin, C.-C.*, Chao, P.-Y., Lin, E.-T., & Tzeng, H.-L. (2018). Exploring the role of visual programming activities in computational thinking. Manuscript accepted for presentation at the Workshop on STEAM Education and Computational Thinking of the First International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Okinawa, Japan.
3. Lin, C.-C., Wu, Y.-T., & Cheng, T.-Y. (2017). Online knowledge-structure-based adaptive science learning: Integrates adaptive dynamic assessment into adaptive learning. Manuscript accepted for presentation at the Workshop on TeSTEM ofthe 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2017), New Zealand.
4. Wang, J.-J., Lin, C.-C.,* Wu, C.-Y. (2016). Exploring the merits of Web 2.0 application to facilitate constructivist learning: The participants' perspectives. Manuscript accepted for presentation at the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2016), Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-988-77034-0-2
5. Lin, C.-C., Chen, F.-J., & Liu, C.-C. (2014). Apply POE framework in a simulation system for facilitating physics learning with Tablet PCs. Poster accepted for presentation at the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2014), Nara, Japan.
6. Liu, C.-C., Wu, Y.-F., Lu, K.-H., & Lin, C.-C. (2012). Supporting creativity learning in digital storytelling with Tablet computers: A peer assessment approach. Manuscript accepted for presentation at the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012).
7. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2009). The application of social bookmarking to information searching and sharing in support of science learning on the Internet: A pilot study of behavioral patterns by use of log analysis. Paper presented at International Science Education Conference 2009, Singapore.
8. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2008). How do Taiwanese high school students seek online resources to explain the alteration in a scientific issue? Exploring the role of Scientific Epistemological Views. Paper presented at Conference of Asian Science Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
9. Hwang, G.-J., Tsai, P.-S., Tseng, J. C.-R., Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2007). "Meta-Analyzer: A Web-based Environment for Analyzing Student Information Searching Behaviors". 2007 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC-07), Kumamoto, Japan.
10. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2007). Information commitments, scientific epistemological views and Internet-based science learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA.
11. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2006). Exploring relations between Taiwanese high school students' scientific epistemological views and information commitments on the Internet. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco, CA.
12. Lin, C.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2005). Navigation flow map method of representing students' searching strategies on the Web. Paper presented at 2005 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Montreal, Canada.
English Book and Book Chapters
1. Exploring college students’ participatory patterns, cognitive engagements and searching performance during online collective information searching (CIS) activity. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
2. Science learning in the Internet-based learning environments: An exploration about scientific epistemological beliefs and online searching strategies. Unpublished master thesis, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Chinese Journal Papers
1. 林佳慶、謝雨蓁(2019)。以集群分析方法探討台灣大學生進行開放式網路資源探究之個人化數位內容策展模式。數位學習科技期刊,11(2),37-55。(TSSCI)
Chinese Conference Papers
1. 鄭登耀、吳潁沺、林佳慶(2019,3月)。結合線上數位學習平台探討漸進式探究式教學模式對於國小自然科概念學習之學習成效:以「熱對物質的影響」為例。第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF2019),雲林科技大學。
2. 盧懷仁、林佳慶、吳潁沺(2019,3月)。以網路同儕互評機制支援科學教學影片製作活動促進科學職前教師教學專業發展。第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF2019),雲林科技大學。
3. 吳穎沺、鄭登耀、林佳慶*(2018,5月)。探討高中生運用合作科學問題解決學習平台的科學模擬活動之歷程與表現。第二十二屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會(GCCCE2018工作坊),廣州。
4. 謝雨蓁、林佳慶*(2017,5月)。應用序列分析方法探討大學生數位內容策展活動行為模式。第二十一屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會(GCCCE2017工作坊),北京。
5. 趙伯堯、林佳慶*、謝雨蓁(2016,5月)。透過視覺化程式活動進行運算思維之測量。第二十屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會(GCCCE2016工作坊),香港。ISBN: 978-988-77034-1-9
6. 趙伯堯、劉晨鐘、林佳慶(2013)。電腦推薦概念在概念產生與探索程序上之影響。第二屆數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會 (CSCL & CSPL 2013)。
1. 108-110 探究大學生進行數位內容策展輔助社會性科學議題探究之多重判準信念與系統思考歷程 主持人
2. 106-107 整合「數位內容策展」之開放式科學與環境議題教學資源參與創作:輔助鷹架平台設計發展與教學應用模式開發評估 主持人
3. 105 發展社會化數位內容策展活動之模式、歷程與評估 主持人
4. 104 應用社會化網路資訊探索之群體智慧輔助社會性科學議題學習 主持人
Academic Services
1. British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI journal), reviewer (Mar. 2017- )
2. Computers & Education (SSCI journal), reviewer (Aug. 2010- )
3. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI journal), reviewer (Dec. 2012-)
4. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI journal), reviewer (Aug. 2015-)
5. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (SSCI journal), reviewer (Jul. 2017-)
6. Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI journal), reviewer (Apr. 2010- )
7. Online Information Review (SSCI journal), reviewer (Nov. 2016-)
8. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, reviewer (Nov. 2018-)
9. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, reviewer (2017-)
10. The Turkish Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), reviewer (Sep. 2012-)
11. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (EI journal), reviewer (2012.08-)
12. Special issue of The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, reviewer
13. Special issue of Innovations in Education and Teaching International (Technology-Enhanced Learning), reviewer
14. Special Issue of Journal of Computers in Education (JCE), reviewer
15. 科學教育學刊(TSSCI) 審稿委員 (Mar. 2016-)
16. 數位學習科技期刊 (TSSCI) 審稿委員 (Jun. 2015-)
17. 教育科學研究期刊(原師大學報:教育類)」(TSSCI) 審稿委員 (Oct. 2014-)
18. 高師大學報 審稿委員 (Aug. 2017-)
19. 人文社會科學研究 審稿委員 (Oct. 2015-)
Research Awards
1. 109年度科技部「特殊優秀人才」獎勵
2. 108年度科技部「特殊優秀人才」獎
3. 107年度科技部「特殊優秀人才」獎
4. 行政院科技部「102年度博士後研究人員學術著作獎」
1. 109 教育部科技輔助自主學習輔導計畫-南區 主持人
2. 108 教育部教學實踐計畫「以建構主義取向科學教學觀點融入與線上同儕互評活動輔助科學學習評量課程促進職前科學教師科學學習評量概念發展」 主持人
3. 107 教育部教學實踐計畫「以Google Classroom雲端平台輔助合作論證與議題融入之環境倫理教學設計規劃與成效分析」 主持人

1. 109前瞻基礎建設數位建設之強化數位教學暨學習資訊應用環境計畫 共同主持人
2. 107-109 自然科學學習領域適性教學教材研發實驗計畫 共同主持人
3. 106 教師提昇自然學習領域教師教學素養計畫(第二年) 共同主持人
4. 105 教師提昇自然學習領域教師教學素養計畫(第一年) 共同主持人

1. 108「見城計畫歷史現場課程方案研提與環境教育場域評估案」 主持人
2. 107「墾丁國家公園環境教育資源分析整合暨環境教育推廣中長程規劃」委託辦理計畫 共同主持人