其他獎項: |
- 八十九學年度交通大學傑出教學獎
- 九十三學年度交通大學優良導師獎
- 2006 臺灣十大潛力人物
- 2010 國立臺灣師範大學 傑出校友
- 2021 Teachers College, Columbia University 傑出校友
學術服務: |
- Computers & Education, Editor-in-Chief (Jan. 2022-now)
- Computers & Education, Co-Editor (July 2009-Dec. 2021)
- International Journal of Science Education, Editor (June 2016-now)
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Associate Editor (2003-2009)
- Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China, Part D: Mathematics, Science and Technology, Editor (September, 1999-Dec. 2002)
- Educational Technology & Society, Member of Advisory Board (June 2007-)
- Educational Technology & Society, Guest Editor (2009, issue 1)
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Guest Editor (2010, issue 1)
- Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Guest Editor (2011, issue 1)
- Science Education, Member of Board of Reviewers (Jan. 2001-Jan. 2005)
- International Journal of Science Education, Member of Editorial Board (Jan. 2006-)
- Computers & Education, Member of Editorial Board (March. 2007- July 2009)
- Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Board of educational consultant (Dec, 2009-)
- Journal of Biological Education, Member of Advisory Board
- Journal of Science Teacher Education, Member of Editorial Review Board (Aug., 2005-Dec., 2009)
- British Journal of Educational Technology, Member of Reviewer Panel (Dec. 2009-)
- Springer book series, Science & Technology Education Library, Editorial Board Member (Oct. 2006-May, 2009)
- School Science and Mathematics, Paper reviewer (Dec. 1996-now)
- Instructional Science, Paper reviewer (Dec. 2004- )
- Journal of Chemical Education, Paper reviewer (Jan 2004-now)
- Teaching & Teacher Education, paper reviewer (August 2005-)
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, paper reviewer (Nov. 2005-)
- CyberPsychology & Behavior, paper reviewer (Feb. 2007-)
- Medical Education, paper reviewer (Dec. 2005-)
- Science & Education, paper reviewer (July, 2008-)
- Interactive Learning Environment, paper reviewer (Sept. 2008-)
- Learning and Individual Difference, paper reviewer (March, 2009 -)
- Learning and Instruction, paper reviewer (March 2009-)
- Journal of Educational Computing Research, paper reviewer (March 2009-)
- International Journal of Engineering Education, paper reviewer (Feb. 2009-)
- Spanish Journal of Psychology, paper reviewer (June, 2009-)
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, paper reviewer (Feb. 2010-)
- The Internet and Higher Education, paper reviewer (April, 2010-)
- Cognition and Instruction, paper reviewer (July, 2010-)
- Asia Pacific Education Review, paper reviewer (July, 2010-)
- International Journal of Educational Research, paper reviewer (July, 2010)
- Journal of Science Education and Technology, paper reviewer (Jan. 2014)
- Learning, Media and Technology, paper reviewer (Sept. 2010-)
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, paper reviewer (Nov. 2010-)
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching, paper reviewer (Dec. 2010-)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Education, paper reviewer (May, 2011-)
- Educational Technology Research and Development, paper reviewer (Sep. 2011-)
- American Journal of Education, paper reviewer (Nov. 2011-)
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice, paper reviewer (Dec. 2011-)
- Educational Psychology, paper reviewer (Jan. 2012-)
- Studies in Educational Evaluation, paper reviewer (Jan. 2012-)
- British Journal of Educational Psychology, paper reviewer (Feb, 2012-)
- Journal of Systems and Software, paper reviewer (March, 2012-)
- Educational Psychologist, paper reviewer (June, 2015-)
- Computer Assisted Language Learning, paper reviewer (July, 2015-)
- Educational Research, paper reviewer (August, 2015-)
- Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, paper reviewer (September, 2015-)
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, paper reviewer (September, 2016-)
- Studies in Higher Education, paper reviewer (November, 2016-)
- Review of Educational Research, paper reviewer (February, 2017-)
- Educational Research Review, paper reviewer (December, 2019-)
- Frontiers in Psychology, Editorial Board Member (Nov., 2014-)
- Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. Member of Editorial Board (July, 2001- )
- Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Member of Editorial Board (June 2005-)
- Contemporary Educational Technology, Member of Editorial Board (August, 2009-)
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Member of Editorial Board (October, 2019-)
- International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, International Editorial Review Board (Jan., 2010-)
- SN Social Sciences, Member of Editorial Board (February, 2020-)
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Member of International Committee (2001-2004)
- 2000, 2001 National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual meeting, proposal reviewer
- 2000 ICCE (International Conference on Computers in Education) annual meeting, proposal reviewer
- 2006 International Computer Symposium, (ICS 2006), International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Learning Technologies, Workshop Chair
- 2007 National Computer Symposium, (NCS 2007, Taiwan), Session E: Digital Content and Learning Technologies, Program Chair
- 2007 Telearn Conference (Chungli, Taiwan), Program Chair
- 2008 Conference of Asian Science Education, Chair of Reviewing Committee
- 2008 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT, Spain). Member of Program Committee
- 2008 IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy based Education (DIGITEL, 2008, Banff, Canada), Member of Program Committee
- 2008 ICCE (International Conference on Computers in Education) annual meeting, Member of Program Committee
- 2008 Telearn Conference (Hanoi, Vietnam), General Chair
- 2009 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT, Riga, Latvia), Member of Program Committee
- 2009 European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference (Istanbul, Turkey), Member of International Scientific Committee
- 2009 ICCE (International Conference on Computers in Education) annual meeting (Hong Kong), Member of Program Committee
- 2010 Workshop on Computer-Supported Peer Review in Education: Synergies with Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Member of Program Committee
- 科學教育學刊 編輯委員 (TSSCI)
- 師大學報:科學教育類 編輯委員
- 師大學報:教育類 編輯委員 (TSSCI)
- 當代教育研究 編輯委員 (TSSCI) (2008.1-2009.12)
- 技術與職業教育學報 編輯委員
- 數位學習科技期刊 編審委員
- 國科會科學教育學門(一)學門召集人(2004.1-2006.12.31)
- 教育與心理研究期刊(TSSCI),課程與教學季刊(TSSCI)等期刊之審稿委員
National Science Foundation, US
National Institute of Education, Singapore
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Centre of Excellence for Research in Science and Mathematics Education, Saudi Arabia.