姓名: 張珮青
職稱: 國立台灣師範大學英語系 教授
學歷: 美國密西根大學教育博士
聯絡方式: peichinchang@ntnu.edu.tw
研究興趣: 學習理論, 多媒體教學, 多媒體語文教學, 英文學術寫作, 多模態語言學習
1. Vilma, M. M., & Chang, P. (2010) The Language of Engagement in Two Highly Interactive Undergraduate Mathematics Classrooms. Linguistics and education, 21(2), 83-100.
2. Chang, P., & Schleppegrell, M. (2011) Taking an effective authorial stance in academic writing: Making the linguistic resources explicit for L2 writers in the social sciences. Journal of English for academic purposes,10(3), 140-151.
3. Chang, P. (2012). Using a stance corpus to learn about effective authorial stance-taking: A textlinguistic approach. ReCall, 24(2), 209–236.
4. Yang, J. C. ,& Chang, P. (2013). Captions and reduced forms instruction: The impact on EFL students’ listening comprehension, ReCALL, 26(1), 44-61.
5. Chang, P, & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). EFL doctoral students' conceptions of authorial stance in academic knowledge claims and the tie to epistemic beliefs. Teaching in higher education. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2014.880682
6. Chang, P. (2015). EFL doctoral students’ conceptions of authorial stance in academic research writing: An exploratory study. RELC.
7. Chang, P. & Schleppegrell, M. (2016). Explicit learning of authorial stance-taking by L2 doctoral students. Journal of writing research.
8. Chang, P. (2016). Recurrent writing issues in developing EFL novice writers’ academic discourse competence. Studies in English language and literature, 38, 117-142.
9. Chang, P. (2017). Evaluating Coherence in Experts’ and Students’ Research Arguments: An Exploratory Study. English Teaching & Learning, 41(2): 1-20. DOI: 10.6330/ETL.2017.41.2.01
10. Chang, P. (2018). Maintaining coherence in research argument: Identifying qualitative differences between experts’ and students’ texts. Text & Talk, 38(6).
11. Chang, P. & Lee, M. (2019). Exploring textual and interpersonal Themes in the expository essays of college students of different linguistic backgrounds. English for specific purposes. 54, pp. 75-90.
12. Yu, W.-C. & Chang, P. (Corresponding author) (2019). Taiwanese Senior High School Students’ Conceptions of Textual-Visual Connection in English Textbooks: An Exploratory Study. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 16(2), 71-99.
13. Chang, P., Tsai, C. C. & Chen, P.-j. (2020). Organization Strategies in EFL Expository Essays in a Content-Based Language Learning Course. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 29, pp.183–197.
14. Chang, P. (2021). Reading Research Genre: The Impact of Thematic Progression. RELC (Published June, online first). https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882211013613
15. Chang, P., Chen, P.-J., Lai, L.-L. (2022). Recursive editing with Google Translate: The impact on writing and error correction. Computer Assisted Language Learning. [SSCI]
16. Chang, P. & Tsai, H.-R. (2022). Text-image complementarity and genre in English as foreign language textbooks, Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (SEMI). [SSCI]
17. Baring, J. A. M & Chang, P. (2023). A Cross-disciplinary Study on the Forms and Functions of Citations in the Discussion Sections of Master’s Theses in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of TESOL. [TSSCI]
1. 2023/08/01-2026/07/31 。從認知,行為與文化語境角度探討言談/論述導向語言學習之實踐 (NSTC 112-2410-H-003 -044 -MY3)。
2. 2021/08/01- 2022/07/31。使用Google翻譯輔助英文寫作之認知負荷與活動 。(MOST 110-2410-H-003-042 -)
3. 2019/08/01- 2020/07/31。機器翻譯與外語學習之探索研究 (MOST 108-2410-H-003-050 -)。
4. 2018/08/01-2019/07/31。多模態英文閱讀--利用功能語法之後設語言增進國中生之產生與建構意 義之能力(2/2)。科技部(原國科會)。(MOST 106-2633-H-003-001)。
5. 2017/08/01-2018/07/31。多模態英文閱讀--利用功能語法之後設語言增進國中生之產生與建構意 義之能力(1/2)。科技部(原國科會)。(MOST 106-2633-H-003-001)。
6. 2016/08/01-2017/07/31。多模態應用於台灣國中英語教學研究。科技部(原國科會)。(MOST 105-2410-H-003-099 -)。
7. 2015/08/01-2016/07/31。提升英文為外語研究生之研究論文寫作連貫性與其對學門知識建構的成效。科技部(原國科會)。(104-2410-H-003-057)。
8. 2014/08/01-2015/07/31。針對英語為外語研究生設計附註釋的寫作工具以輔助學術論文論述之發展 (2/2)。國科會。(102-2410-H-003 -019 -MY2)。
9. 2013/08/01-2014/07/31。針對英語為外語研究生設計附註釋的寫作工具以輔助學術論文論述之發展 (1/2)。國科會。(102-2410-H-003 -019 -MY2)。
10. 2012/08/01-2013/07/31。 學術論文學習中難以轉移的學習議題為何?以實踐為基礎的教學方式。科技部(原國科會)。(101-2410-H-003-099)。
11. 2011/08/01-2012/07/31。非英文母語之博士班學生對於學術研究寫作中之作者立場表述之概念認識。科技部(原國科會)。 (100-2410-H-003-165)。
1. 2011/11/01~2012/10/31 非英文母語之博士班學生對於學術研究寫作中之作者立場表述之概念認識 (100-2410-H-003-165-)
2. 2012/08/01~2013/07/31 學術論文學習中難以轉移的學習議題為何?以實踐為基礎的教學方式 (101-2410-H-003-099-)
3. 2013/08/01~2015/07/31 針對英語為外語研究生設計附註釋的寫作工具以輔助學術論文論述之發展 (102-2410-H-003 -019 -MY2)
4. 2015/08/01~2016/07/31 提升英文為外語研究生之研究論文寫作連貫性與其對學門知識建構的成效 (104-2410-H-003-057-)
5. 2016/08/01~2017/07/31 多模態應用於台灣國中英語教學研究 (MOST 105-2410-H-003-099 -)
6. 2017/08/01~2018/07/31 多模態英文閱讀--利用功能語法之後設語言增進國中生之產生與建構意義之能力(1/2) (MOST 106-2633-H-003-001)
7. 2018/08/01~2019/07/31 多模態英文閱讀--利用功能語法之後設語言增進國中生之產生與建構意義之能力(2/2) (MOST 107-2633-H-003-001)
8. 2019/08/01~2020/07/31 機器翻譯與外語學習之探索研究 (MOST 108-2410-H-003-050)
1. Editor in chief, English Teaching & Learning.