姓名: 邱晏麟
職稱: 國立臺灣大學醫學院醫學教育暨生醫倫理學科暨研究所 助理教授
學歷: 國立彰化師範大學工業教育與技術學系
聯絡方式: yenlin.address@gmail.com
研究興趣: 網路知識觀、組織理論、訓練與發展
1. Chung, R.-G., Chang, W.-L., & Chiu, Y.-L. (2008). Impacts of altruism and self-efficacy on knowledge sharing behavior and the moderating effect of mentor-intern interaction: an empirical study from business internship students, Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships, 42(1), 50-57.
2. Liao, H.-L., Ma, T.-C., Chiu, Y.-L., Chen, J.-T., & Chang, Y.-S. (2008). Factors influencing the purchasing behavior of TCM outpatients in Taiwan, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14(6), 741-748.
3. Chiu, Y.-L.*, Chung, R.-G., Wu, C.-S., & Ho, C.-H. (2009). The effects of job demands, control and social support on hospital clinical nurses’ intention to turnover, Applied Nursing Research, 22(4), 258-263.
4. Lee, Y.-S., Chiu, Y.-L.*, Liao, H.-L., Chen, J.-T., Lee, F.-C. (2010). Factors Influence the Intention of Utilizing Out-of-Pocket Health Checkup Services: A Sample of Citizens from 12 Townships of Taichung County in Taiwan, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 73(5), 248-255.
5. Chiu, Y.-L.*, Tsai, C.-C., & Fan Chiang, C.-Y. (2013). The Relationships among Nurses' Job Characteristics and Attitudes toward Web-based Continuing Learning. Nurse Education Today, 33, 327-333.
6. Chiu, Y.-L. & Tsai, C.-C.* (2013). The roles of social factor and internet self-efficacy in nurses' web-based continuing learning, Nurse Education Today, 34, 446-450.
7. Chiu, Y.-L., Liang, J.-C., & Tsai, C.-C.* (2013). Internet-specific epistemic beliefs and self-regulated learning in online academic information searching. Metacognition and Learning, 8, 235-260.
8. Lee, W.-C., Chiu, Y.-L., Liang, J.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). Exploring the structural relationships between high school students’ Internet-specific epistemic beliefs and their utilization of online academic help seeking. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 391-400.
9. Chiu, Y.-L., Tsai, C.-C., & Liang, J.-C.* (2015). Testing measurement invariance and latent mean differences across gender groups in college students’ Internet-specific epistemic beliefs. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(4), 486-499.
10. Chiu, Y.-L.*, Liang, J.-C., Mao, Pili C.-M., Tsai, C.-C. (2016). Improving health care providers' capacity for self-regulated learning in online continuing pharmacy education: the role of Internet self-efficacy. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 36(2), 89-95.
11. Chiu, Y.-L.*, Liang, J.-C., Tsai, C.-C.* (2016). Exploring the roles of education and Internet search experience in students' Internet-specific epistemic beliefs. Computers in Human Behavior, 62(2016), 286-291.
12. Chiu, Y.-L.*, Liang, J.-C., Hou, C.-Y., Tsai, C.-C.* (2016). Exploring the relationships between epistemic beliefs about medicine and approaches to learning medicine: a structural equation modeling analysis. BMC Medical Education, (16), 181.
13. Chao, C.-T., Ho, C.-C., Hsu, W.-C., Shieh, J.-Y., Chen, H.-L., Hsu C., Chiu, Y.-L., Lin, M.-W. (2020, Nov). Deriving and validating an instrument for assessing students’ perspectives on a completely digital problem-based learning curriculum during COVID-19. Journal of Medical Education (Taiwan), 24(4), 187-198.
14. Chiu, Y.-L., Lee, Y.-C., Tsai, C.-C.*(2021). Internet-specific epistemic beliefs in medicine and intention to use evidence-based online medical databases among health care professionals: cross-sectional survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(3), e20030.
15. Tsai, C.-L., Chiu, Y.-L., Chao, C.-T., Lin, M.-W., Ho, C.-C., Chen, H.-L., Sheu, B.-C., Hsu, C. & Yang, C.-W. (2022, Jul). Effectiveness of tutor shadowing on faculty development in problem-based learning. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 564.
16. Chiu, Y.-L., Tsai, C.-C., Liang, J.-C.* (2022, Sep). Laypeople's Online Health Information Search Strategies and Use for Health-Related Problems: Cross-sectional Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2022 Sep 2;24(9): e29609.
17. Chao, C.-T., Chiu, Y.-L., Tsai, C.-L., Lin, M.-W., Yang, C.-W., Ho, C.-C., Chen, Y.-Y., Hsu, C., Chen, H.-L. (2022, Nov). Moving from tangibility toward digitalization: investigating team dynamics and facilitator support among medical students in conventional and digital small-group tutorials. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 814.
18. Lin, Y.-L., Chen, H.-L., Chen, Y.-Y., Cheng, S.-Y., Chen, W.-L., Chiu, Y.-C. & Chiu, Y.-L.* (2023, Jan). The effects of job characteristics on physicians’ orientation toward lifelong learning. Advances in Health Sciences Education, (online published) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10459-022-10202-x.
1. Chiu, Y.-L., Liang, J.-C., & Tsai, C.-C., 2012, October, Exploring the predictors of hospital nurses’ intent to use web-based continuing learning, 2012 E-Learn AACE, Montréal, Canada.
2. Chiu, Y.-L., & Tsai, C.-C., 2013, November, Exploring the differences of the Internet-specific epistemic beliefs between Taiwanese undergraduates and high school students, 2013 ICCE, Bali, Indonesia.
3. Hsu, Y.-C., & Chiu, Y.-L., 2014, November, Role-play in computer-supported collaborative learning-An explorative study, 2014 ICCE, Nara, Japan.
4. Ho, C.-H., Chiu, Y.L.*, 2016, March, Exploring patients' reactions to an Internet health rumor: An explorative study, 2016 ACP, Kobe, Japan.
5. Ho, C.-H., Chiu, Y.-L.*, 2017, July, The influence of online academic information search on students’ epistemic change, LTLE 2017, Hamamatsu, Japan.
6. Ho, C.-H., Chiu, Y.-L.*, 2018, August, Exploring medicine-related Interns’ utilization of evidence-based medical databases, ISS-Summer 2018, Hokkaido, Japan.
7. Chiu*, Y.-L., Chen, Y.-Y., 2020, Medical students’ utilization of online information sources for academic information searching, APMEC, Sentosa, Singapore.
8. Kuo, Y.-C., Chiu, Y.-L., Chen, Y.-Y., 2022, Influence Factors toward Physicians Professional Identity: The role of Social Media. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), LYON.
9. Chiu, Y.-L.*, 2023, Problem solving skills and knowledge construction in problem-based learning, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education, Nagasaki, Japan.
1. 徐玉珍、劉明德、邱晏麟*,2015,May,網絡輔助的討論型合作學習中非論述性表達與知識建構間的關係,2015 GCCCE,Taipei, Taiwan.
2. 邱晏麟(2022年03月)。融入實證醫學概念的資訊素養課程:教學實驗成效評估。TAIWAN E-LEARNING FORUM (TWELF2022),台東。
3. Liu, C.-H., Chiu, Y.-L. (2022, Mar). Factors Influencing Intention to Use Evidence-Based Online Medical Detabases: a Cross-sectional Survey on Medical Personel in Taiwan. TAIWAN E-LEARNING FORUM (TWELF2022), 台東。
4. 邱晏麟(2023年03月)。知識建構對線上自我導向學習與線上合作學習的關聯分析。TAIWAN E-LEARNING FORUM (TWELF2023),屏東。
1. 網路醫學知識觀與網路醫學資訊搜尋行為研究,MOST-103-2511-S-01-008- MY3 (2014/08/01~2017/07/31)。
2. 健康科學領域學生的電子健康資訊素養:探討理論模式、測量工具、健康資訊搜尋行為與知識信念角色,MOST-107-2511-H-011-004 -MY3 (2018/08/01~2020/07/31)。
3. 整合知識建構教學與問題解決學習提升學習成效:知識論壇在醫療與社會課程的應用,MOST110-2628-H-002 -004 -MY2(2021/08/01~2023/07/31)。
4. 沉浸式說故事:醫學人文博物館數位說故事課程與評估工具發展,NSTC 112-2410-H-002-084 – (2023/08/01~2024/07/31)。
1. 戲說醫學人文:發展戲劇導向的醫學人文博物館體驗學習課程與評估工具(111-2410-H-281-001-)
2. 開發虛擬實境機械手臂心臟瓣膜手術教學訓練系統(111-2410-H-002-208-)
3. 住院醫師接受跨領域團隊訓練之學習成效探討(110-2511-H-281-001-MY2)
4. 人工智慧素養量測工具開發, 教學內容建置及學習成效評估(110-2511-H-002-018-MY2)
5. 探索實習醫學生專業認同、醫學知識觀、醫學學習信念與醫學學習方式的關係及其對學習成效的影響(109-2511-H-281-001-)
1. Computer & Education- reviewer
2. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher- reviewer
3. Nurse Education Today- reviewer
4. BMC Medical Education - reviewer
5. Journal of Science Education and Technology- reviewer
6. Psychology, Health & Medicine- reviewer
7. Computers in Human Behavior- reviewer
8. Learning and Individual Differences-reviewer
9. Journal of Continuing Education in Health Professions-reviewer
10. GCCCE 2014~2018- member of program committee
11. ICCE 2014~2016- member of program committee
1. 106年度科技部博士後研究人員學術著作獎
2. 110 年度國家科學及技術委員會『優秀年輕學者』研究計畫