姓名: 馮瑞
職稱: 佛光大學資訊應用學系 助理教授
學歷: 美國猶他州立大學教學科技博士
聯絡方式: rfeng123@gmail.com
研究興趣: 認知與學習、數位學習、教學設計
1. Shih, M., Feng, J., & Tsai, C. C. (2008). Research and trends in the field of e-learning from 2001 to 2005: A content analysis of cognitive studies in selected journals. Computers & Education, 51, 955-967. (SSCI)
1. Feng, J., Shih, M., Kao, C.-P., & Tsai, C.-C. (2011). Learning Conceptions and Approaches of University Students Facilitated with Web-Searching. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011). Tokyo, Japan.
2. Feng, J. & Li, C. H.(2011).Factors Influencing Participants’ Satisfaction and Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in Virtual Learning Communities: A Study of Yi-Lan Township Offices in Taiwan. e-CASE & e-Tech 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
3. Tsai, C.-C., Kao, C.-P., Shih, M.-L., & Feng, J. (2011). The relationships among elementary school teachers' learning conception and approach of web-searching. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC). Osaka, Japan, June 10-12, 2011.
4. Feng, J., Shih, M., Kao, C.-P., & Tsai, C.-C. (2011). University Students’ Learning Conceptions and Approaches of Web-Searching bases on the Disciplinary Differences. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2011--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Lisbon, Portugal.
5. Feng, J. & Chiou, L. K. (2013). Investigating the Behaviors and Attitudes of Web Use: the Elementary Students and Their Parents. Paper presented at 2013 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2013). Kitakyushu, Japan.
6. Feng, J. & Su, C. R. (2014).A Case Study of Implementing "the Project of Online Tutoring for After School's Learning?" for an Elementary School in a Remote Area. Paper presented at 2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2014). Nagoya, Japan.
1. Chao, C. C., & Feng, J. (2009). Research on application of mind map and cooperative learning in the course of Nature, Living Science and Technology in elementary schools. GCCCE 2009, Taipei.
2. Peng, C. W. & Feng, J. (2010). An Action Research of Integrating Information Technology into Students’ Character Education in Elementary School. TAECT2010, Taipei.
3. 資訊科技融入國小品德教育之歷程及成效。 2010年教育及翻譯學術研討會—理論與實務之對話,2010。
4. 數位科技如何促進以學生為主的學習。2010資訊融入創新教學與自由軟體校園應用研討會,2010。
5. 數位學習融入國小高年級學童識字教學之行動研究。2011創新教學與自由軟體校園應用研討會,2011。
1. 媚力產業企業參訪,青輔會2009
2. 提升學生就業力-建立生涯歷程檔案,青輔會2010
3. 2012-2013年國科會科學園區「資訊系統管理與維護之實習計畫」
4. 2014-2015年科技部科學園區「數位內容軟體設計開發之實務實習」計畫
1. 區域教學資源中心計畫-教學專業提升暨教學資源整合計畫,教育部 (2008/10/1~2009/12/31)
2. 縮短中小學城鄉數位落差研習計畫,教育部 (2009/7/1~2009/7/10)
3. 探究網路搜尋學習概念與網路搜尋學習策略,國科會(NSC 98-2511-S-011  -005  -MY3)
4. 以通識教育為核心之全校課程革新計畫-98學年度優質核心通識課程教材數位化,教育部 (2009/9/1~2010/1/31)
1. e化輔助教學研習會,專題演講,2007
2. 2007「認知負荷:理論與應用學術研討會」,籌備委員
3. 第一屆學習與數位科技研討會:宜蘭縣資訊教育的特色與典範,主持人,2008
4. 學產基金98年度「縮短中小學城鄉數位落差-暑期研習」,帶隊老師,2009
5. Reviewer, ICCE 2009
6. 宜蘭縣資訊創新教學暨自由軟體校園應用研討會,主持人,2009
7. 青輔會「提升學生就業力-宜蘭地區分組座談會」,籌備委員,2010
8. 2010「認知負荷學術研討會」,籌備委員
9. Reviewer,「慈惠學術專刊」2010
10. Reviewer, ICCE 2011
11. Reviewer,「科學教育學刊」2012
12. International Committee member, e-CASE & e-Tech 2013, 2014