姓名: 欒輝
職稱: 博士後研究員
學歷: 香港大學心理學系博士
聯絡方式: hluanv@gmail.com
研究興趣: 知識觀,數位學習
1. Luan, H., Li, T.-L., & Lee, M.-H. (2022). High school students' environmental education in Taiwan: scientific epistemic views, decision-making style, and recycling intention. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20, 25-44. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-020-10136-z (SSCI)
2. Lee, S. W.-Y., Luan, H., Lee, M.-H., Chang, H.-Y., Liang, J.-C., Lee, Y.-H., Lin, T.-J., Wu, A.-H., Chiu, Y.-J., Tsai, C.-C. (2021). Measuring epistemologies in science learning and teaching: A systematic review of the literature. Science Education, 105, 880-907. http://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21663 (SSCI)
3. Wu, C.-L., Lin, T.-J., Chiou, G.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Luan, H., Tsai, M.-J., Potvin, P., & Tsai, C.-C. (2021). A systematic review of MRI neuroimaging for education research. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 617599. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.617599 (SSCI)
4. Luan, H., & Tsai, C. C. (2021). A review of using machine learning approaches for precision education. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1), 250-266. (SSCI)
5. Luan, H., Geczy, P., Lai, H., Gobert, J., Yang, S., Ogata, H., Baltes, J., Guerra, R., Li, P., & Tsai, C. C. (2020). Challenges and future directions of big data and artificial intelligence in education. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 580820. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.580820 (SSCI)
1. Luan, H., & Tsai, C. C. (2023). Advances in Personal Epistemology in the Asia-Pacific: A Content and Bibliometric Analysis. In Lee, W.O., Brown, P., Goodwin, A.L., Green, A. (eds), International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific (pp. 1509-1537). Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6887-7_45
1. Reviewer, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (ESCI)
2. Reviewer, Asia Pacific Education Review (SSCI)
3. Reviewer, BMC Psychology (SSCI)
4. Reviewer, Educational Technology & Society (SSCI)
5. Reviewer, Environmental Education Research (SSCI)
6. Reviewer, Frontiers in Education (ESCI)
7. Reviewer, Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI)
8. Reviewer, Higher Education (SSCI)
9. Reviewer, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI)
10. Reviewer, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (Scopus)
11. Reviewer, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI)
12. Program Committee Member, The 27th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2023)
13. Program Committee Member, The 26th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2022)
14. Reviewer, 2022 National Chair Professorship Series: 'Teaching and Learning Across Pandemics: Innovative Thinking and Practice Renewal”
15. Reviewer, 2021 National Chair Professorship Series: "Forward Thinking, Interdisciplinary Research" Postgraduate Research Excellence Conference (2021國家講座系列活動:「前瞻思維、跨域研究」研究生學術精進研討會)
16. Reviewer, The Third International Conference for “Personal Epistemology and Learning in the Digital Age”