Lucia Mason is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Padua, Italy, and head of the doctoral program in Developmental Psychology and Socialization Processes. She is associate editor of Educational Research Review and member of the editorial boards of several journals: Cognition and Instruction, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Instructional Science, Journal of Experimental Education, Metacognition and Learning, and European Psychologist. She served as chair of the 10th conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Her main research interest is conceptual change. She has carried out studies on analogical reasoning, argumentation in group discussions, and writing to learn as tools for knowledge revision. Her current research interest also regards students' epistemic beliefs and their role in learning processes, in particular in conceptual change. Her last studies are focused on the activation of epistemic beliefs during online information searching and the effect on Web-based learning. She has published many articles in international journals, several chapters in international volumes, as well as some national volumes. She has also co-edited two international volumes. In 2003 she was the recipient of the EARLI Outstanding Publication. Her research work has been published in Learning and Instruction, Instructional Science, Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychologist, Contemporary Educational Psychology and some other educational journals.